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Электронный каталог: Conteh, N. Y. - Ethical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures for Cybercrime Prevention
Conteh, N. Y. - Ethical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures for Cybercrime Prevention
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Автор: Conteh, N. Y.
Ethical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures for Cybercrime Prevention
Издательство: IGI Global, 2021 г.
ISBN 9781799865063
Автор: Conteh, N. Y.
Ethical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures for Cybercrime Prevention
Издательство: IGI Global, 2021 г.
ISBN 9781799865063
Электронный ресурс
Conteh, N. Y.
Ethical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures for Cybercrime Prevention / N. Y. Conteh . – IGI Global, 2021 . – 187 p. – URL: http://lib.msk.misis.ru/elib/view.php?id_abs=987778299 . - EBSCO eBooks . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781799865063 .
Иностранные книги = EBSCO eBooks
Conteh, N. Y.
Ethical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures for Cybercrime Prevention / N. Y. Conteh . – IGI Global, 2021 . – 187 p. – URL: http://lib.msk.misis.ru/elib/view.php?id_abs=987778299 . - EBSCO eBooks . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781799865063 .
Иностранные книги = EBSCO eBooks